Thursday, April 10, 2008

Of morning sickness and round the clock hunger

I guess most of you already know that I’m pregnant and my baby is 7 weeks now. Morning sickness is what I battle through everyday from morning til night and I’m constantly hungry. So the moment I feel hungry, it’s an alarm or warning to start filling my stomach or I will be nauseated which will be followed by a bout of vomiting if i'm still not fed. Baby just can’t wait, huh? Like this morning, at 7am, i was feeling hungry and i had to pacify the little one (even in the womb!), please let mummy sleep a little longer. I'll feed you soon.
I know that this is my stomach which i think i can still take control off but i think when junior comes into this world and starts crying, there's no way junior will allow me back to sleep until he/she's being fed.... Wow! The joy of motherhood....

I went for my very first medical check-up 2 weeks ago and doctor detected a fibroid (a growth in the womb) which is about 5cm x 5cm. I’ve had this fibroid since 3 years ago and I completely forgot about it until that check-up. However, I was told by doc that I mustn’t be doing any heavy duty job and definitely no heavy exercise or walking up and down staircases frequently.

at 5 Weeks

My 2nd medical check-up was today and my baby is growing at a healthy rate. Thank you, Lord Jesus. But my fibroid has grown too – 6cm x 7cm and I am told to be even more careful and to take extra precaution. However I have a very good doctor and he just practically shares everything of what I need to know about my body, my baby and my fibroid.

The best part about this check-up is to see the head and the heartbeat. It’s so tiny but it was a feeling that I can’t describe. It’s beyond happiness to see a life growing inside. It was beautiful. Kyew was hilarious, to him, “So tiny, can’t see anything”. But I couldn’t stop smiling because in the 1st ultrasound, it was just a black spot, but in this 2nd, I could see a tiny body (looks like the tiny baby kangaroo – refer to the picture slide show of Singapore zoo).

at 7 Weeks


Canna said...

Hello..saw you the past 3 days but forgot to congratulate u :)

Another nephew/niece coming along the way. Thank you Jesus ;)

Celinatan said...

Hi Pat,

Congratulation....heard from Kenny that you are pregnant. Do take care of yourself tho'...God bless the mummy and the baby :)

Dove World said...

Canna - Thank you. It's ok, you were busy. Truly understand.

Celina - Thank you. Don't worry, mum and baby will take very good care of each other.

Tygogal & Fenridal - So sorry, can't see what your comments are. God bless you both