Friday, July 13, 2007

The “F’ Word

What will you think when you read the “F” word on a comment or article or even a blog? Is the “F” word really that foul kinda word or it stands for “Fun”, “Free”, “Ferocious” and etc?

Well, I immediately thought of it as the foul word (which is also a verb – word the describe an action). Many will say, “Aiyah…. Patrina so dirty, only think of these things”. Am I really dirty to have thought that people are really using this particular word?

Everywhere I go, I hear this word. In college, at work and I even read this word on articles in the newspaper (which they camouflage as “F**k”) and I read them on blogs (which was blatantly showcased) too.

Is it a cool or an in-thing to swear? Because it seems to me, it is. Where is the decorum that ladies use to display? Down the drain perhaps. Who’s to blame for people using foul languages and swearing? It’s been there for so many years now, so it’s common, I would say. Rubbish!

It’s just an excuse to look cool and trendy but what these people don’t realize, the image they are portraying. To me, the image I see – when they open their mouths, flies and excrements flow out.

What breaks me is also children as young as four can swear very well too. Where to they learn from if not from their parents or adults around them. I remember very well not long after I got married, I was having dinner with KY at Bayu Emas Restaurant and next to our table was a family. They looked like such a loving family and the children (a boy and a girl) probably age 3-4, are just so adorable.

A few minutes later, the father’s phone rang, and the next thing that happen, there was shouting and banging of the table. He must be scolding someone on the other line. In between his shouting, the words he use – Oh My Goodness!!! Swearing vulgarity at every line in Hokkien. Words not fit for a child’s hearing. I feel for the children and deep in my heart I know the children will grow up thinking that vulgarity is acceptable is their speech.

My heart broke and I said a quick prayer that God will watch over them and not be like their father in speech and action. Let’s hope they will grow up as I prayed for them to be.

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