Monday, July 23, 2007


An interesting read on the front page of today’s Star Newspaper.

I’ve had my personal share of experience with regards to “discovering” sanitary pad in toilet bowls and also back in 1999 – found 1 rolled up (used) slipped in between the spaces at the bathroom door.

Why is the teacher being punish for the students’ non-civic attitude? They were repeated warned beforehand and when the punishment was carried, PTAs come to their rescue. So when will these girls learned to be more responsible and more civic minded?

Were they thought at home that it’s ok to thrown their sanitary pads into their own house toilet bowl? I believe not… I bet their mothers will be screaming their lungs out if they were caught doing it. But then again, if they have maids at home, then the maids will have to use their hands to remove the sanitary pad and the dispose it on behalf on these “princesses”.

Gee… to think that in this century people to be more civic conscious. Looks like we’re going back to medieval times or maybe going back as far as the Stone Age???

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