Monday, May 14, 2007

Coffee At Last!

Because i sick sick sick last one whole week, i was deprived of my favourite drink - coffee, nescafe, anything with caffeine, you name it.

Finally, alas! I had my 1st cup of Nescafe this morning. Tea lady laughed at me, saying, "Bagus ma. Sudah baik, kopi boleh minum". I was in ecstasy slurping in and having my cereals with it. Back to my normal lifestyle.

Somehow, when i was sick last week, i only had Milo and now looking Milo, i would be thinking, "Darn. Milo is only for the sick." and not "Minum Milo anda jadi sihat dan kuat!".
Heard from a friend many weeks back, Nescafe is of the lowest grade of coffee... processes after processes after processes - wa la! Nescafe!

Gee.... who cares?! So long as i get my dose of caffeine. Vietnam coffee is the best.... especially when you brew it using the traditional coffee maker. The aroma lifts you to cloud 9. With a little dash of creamer and sugar, the taste just simply brings you to heaven.

Ok, it's coffee break now...

In the mean time, just go to this link your reading pleasure:

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