Saturday, December 29, 2007


We're in Singapore now - Kyew and I with my parents. Will be doing our countdown to the 2008 New Year here...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Tis The Season

Christmas is round the corner! Yeah!!! Kwang Yew and I are really excited!
Well at first, we didn't have that "feel", you know what i mean? And then, the thought that we'll be opening our home for the Christmas Harvest Event...
Here's a conversation about us getting the feel of Christmas into our house:-

Pat: Do you think the house feels kinda not Christmassy without a tree and presents underneath?

KY: Yeah, we'll get one.

Pat: Are you sure? You do know we've been spending a lot on the tv and the house, right?

KY: Don't worry. Besides, how can we have a Christmas party without a Christmas tree?

Pat: Are you sure, sure?

KY: Yes!
End of story. So we got our very 1st Big Christmas tree last night and we got the ornaments too. Last year, our tree was only a miserable 1 feet tall, but nice enough to decorate a small apartment.

We'll fill the tree with presents later.

Ok, that's it about the tree. Next mission, fill the house with cheerful songs of wonderful Christmas!

Now, for today, i tried another new chicken recipe, my favourite (from Dominos to TGIF) - Buffalo Wings. Why they call it Buffalo Wings? I don't know. But certainly no cattle was sacrificed for this dish... only poultry.

It didn't look anything like Dominos or TGIF but it taste even better than Dominos and TGIF put together.... hahaha..... this is something i can, without a doubt feel unashamed to praise myself. And it's real Hot & Spicy. Ky's lips was puffing up when he savoured his portion of wings.

It looked liked a burned pisang goreng, but it's not. I hope i can make this dish again but i gotta improvise a little... not the ingredients but the equipments - a deep fryer and an oven (hint hint to you, My darling hubby)

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Don and David have been encouraging me to update a new post (“Update you blog lar, Pat.”) and leaving me ideas on my chat box and yet I still couldn’t think about what to blog until I read Don’s blog.

Well, what I’m posting is completely different from Don’s latest post on ciggys, drugs and Jack Daniels / Carlsberg / Smirnoff aka alcohol.

Provoke, I name it…. Simply put it, is there anyone who’s been provoking you lately or all the time? If yes, what did you do? Do you keep quiet about it? Do you approach the person and tell him/her off? Do you gossip about it? And then, what happens? Do you let it go? Do you forgive? Do you still talk about it and get all upset even after forgiving and trying to let it go?

We’re not all perfect but we ought to try to be perfect because Jesus called us to. The bible says in Matthew, Jesus instructed his disciple to forgive seventy times seven times. Come on ya’ll… are you gonna start counting how many times you’re gonna be forgiving others?

Trust me, by the time you reach the fifth, you’ll completely forget how times you’ve forgiven.

How about speaking ill of the one you dislike (or who you deemed has provoked you dislike aka hate him/her)? Does that account to back-stabbing?

You see, the reason I’m asking these questions are because I’ve encountered two similar incidents, same gender but different age.

Firstly, at my workplace – a discussion about another colleague (negative of course) by older men.

Second, another discussion about another brother in cell (duh… negative again) by younger boys.

Gee… time sure have change. Women are usually stereotyped to be gossipers and rumour mongler (whatever or however you spell it). But now…. men and boys too! What horror!

In church we speak of unity among brothers and sisters in Christ. The bible teaches to love your neighbour as yourself but this objective will sure be hard to achieve if we can’t control our tongue. Mother use to tell me as I was growing up, “If you have nothing good to say, DON’T say it.”

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Here are the photos guys... for those who have not been to my house

My house from the front

Where all the fun comes from in cell group

Where the feasting is.....

My lovely messy kitchen.... my favourite place in the house

You know, the kitchen cabinet is so high! Need a chair lah...

Tempat cuci baju...

This is what you take to go upstairs ya'll...

Bean bags are missing here....


Thursday, November 1, 2007


I was watching CSI on AXN last night and as usual, the storyline is always good.

Last night’s episode is about a group of teenagers headed by an adult to go “fannysmacking” another term for beating up tourist just for the fun of it. It’s like a party to these “kids” to bash up any tourist they come across.

And of course they did kill one person (he’s not a tourist but he became a practice tool before they go for the real “fannysmacking”). But inevitably, they can’t escape law and the law caught up with them and nabs them.

What intrigues me the most, which resulted in my first post for the month of November was the closing statement made by Grissom regarding the children of today.

I can’t exactly make it out word for word but it has this meaning… The law of the current state provides a principle where they can do and explore whatever they want and have no conscience and get away with it. Soon, it becomes something that they do not feel guilty of.

I had this discussion with KY after the drama because in the US the law protect children under the age of 18 or 16 depending which state. So much so that even if the parent would want to discipline the child for something wrong that he/she did, the parent cannot spank or lay their hands on their child, or else they can be jailed for child abuse.

They have too much of freedom and protection that children become wild and out of control and thereafter go on the rampage. Sometimes, we question the parent’s ability to bring up good children. Sometimes, we question the children themselves (teenagers especially) because at this age, they should already know how to distinguish right and wrong.

But the statement that Grissom made, questions the constitution and the government. He hit the nail right at the head.

Monday, October 29, 2007

My Father

It was a trying week for me last week.

First I had to snoop and I had to do a sudden spot-check on trucks, then it was 2 days of interrogation to get the truth out for the reason of the stock lost in the last stock take – no one wanted to reveal the mastermind.

This spot-check will caused a big number of staff to lose their job because of our findings and most likely get some of them sentenced to jail but what’s worse, which made me depress was seeing the truck driver, a man cry and pleading because he doesn’t want to go to jail.

I felt sick in the stomach and I lost sleep, appetite and concentration. I fell into depression. I just didn’t want to talk to anyone. I wanted to be a social outcast. I just wanted to avoid everyone. My heart and spirit was so broken.

On top of that Dad was admitted to the hospital and when he got out, my dad-in-law went into the hospital.

But I want to give thanks to God, my heavenly Father. He never fails to amaze me because He brought the young people into my life, in R2Y cell. God gave me an encounter with Him that night. I never told any of them about what I went through but they prayed, they prayed for the sick, sick physically, sick in the heart, sick emotionally and sick spiritually and I needed that. That very night, God healed me. I was up and about the next morning (yesterday morning).

Another wonderful thing He did, my petrol ran really really low yesterday morning as I was on the way to work. And I didn’t expect a horrible horrible jam to happen, and it did. I panicked and I panicked real bad because I didn’t want to terribly embarrassed by having to push my car if it choose to stall.

I prayed, ok, I prayed. I prayed that, “God, you gotta give me a miracle. Don’t let the petrol needle move towards “E”, please. Please help me last ‘til I get to the office and to the petrol station afterwards. Please, a MIRACLE”. I left it in God’s hands.

Then I saw a car with a heated up engine, I nearly panicked but I was more calm and added another note to that list of prayer I did earlier. I reached the office and I managed to get to Petronas (at Tesco) to fill up.

So God is good with all His miraculous doing. He’s the best Father anyone could ever have!

Monday, October 8, 2007

A Feel Of Moving...

I haven't taken proper pics of the house but i sure do have some moving out and helpers photos.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Finally! Botanic....

Announcement! Announcement! We have finally moved to Bandar Botanic! After days of packing we have finally moved ALL of our stuffs here. I have only lived in Prima Bayu for 11 months and i have so much of "barang"! Pengsan....

So it's definitely a lot of hard work and determination. It's tiring, but the fruit is good. And we finally have a place to call our own.

Kwang Yew and my appreciation goes out to Mum (Kwang Yew's mother), Ivan, Don and Fritz for helping us with the moving. Mum and Friz helped us wash the house. Ivan and Don had to do the hard labour of lugging the furnitures and cartons.

We would also like to thank my Dad and Mum for their support in other areas of our lives with this house. They sponsored alot of "barang-barang"!

It's really awesome that God brought these people into our lives. Without them, honestly i'll go crazy. So Lord, our utmost gratitude and thanks, praise and honour unto Your name. All glory goes to You.

I would love to take some pics right now but i don't want to with the house being messy and lots of stuff to un-pack (darn!). So, i'll post up some pics when the house is more presentably looking.

I gotta chiao now... my eyes gonna close already. Gosh! It's 12.20am! And they (Kyew, Fritz, Don and Ivan) are making the last trip to the apartment to take the last of stuffs.

Ivan was with us from morning 11am and Don was with us from lunch! Kesian... but no worries, we have the right mind to take them out for HUGE makan. Where ah?... TGIF, Victoria or hmm.... Mamak....? Hahaha....

Monday, October 1, 2007

Botanic.... so near yet so far

I’ve been like waiting for ages to get my own place. And no, the apartment isn’t my place neither is Kyew’s.

We finally got the house and we thought, “Hey! Perfect, pretty soon we’ll move out of the apartment and move into the our very own home – a nice cozy house.”

But of course, it’s definitely too good to be true to have everything running so smoothly. Firstly, with the delay on the contractor’s side. Then, the delay because of the weather and I still haven’t moved in!
What’s worse is that I HATE PACKING!!! Just the thought of it, makes me dizzy. And so far, I’ve only packed my books. I kept procrastinating day after day until I’m quite irritated with myself.

Oh Lord, help me to be a little more initiative or even move an inch of my muscle just to start packing or we will all be rushing and I will go crazy rushing around.

Ok, cool cool. Need to side-track a bit. One regret I have about the new house – I’ve forgotten to take a before and after photo of the house. Looks like I can only take a before furnishing and after furnishing photos.

Hey there, you reading this post, better offer yourselves to help your commander and I out, ah… (evil grin…). As promised lar, I will make sure I prepare scrumptious meal for you all lar. A promise is a promise.

UPSR week, so it’s school holidays, you all free already mah…. Haha….

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pulau Ketam

I finally get to post some pictures on my trip to Pulau Ketam with KY, May Lai and Fritz. That's was on the 31st Aug 2007.

Yeah, this was suppose to be up first before the Melaka trip but hey... still at least got more pictures to enjoy.

It started off real bad... we got cheated by the boat people (GREEN boat people!). They shouted, "We're ready to leave, come quick!" Took our money and made us wait for nearly 1 hour! We were all pissed. So mark the green boats and make sure you don't hop on this boat if you're making a trip to Pulau Ketam or you'll be sorry.

And when we got there... the island was extremely extremely small. We manage to walk the island, from end to end in an hour. And we had to crack our head on what to do to kill time.

Basically, this trip was all about waiting and waiting cause we also had to wait for about an hour before we can get a table to lunch.

There is nothing to see there and the whole island is a dump ground, despite having an Alam Flora dump area at one corner of the island.

All i know is that, whoever wants to go there, just make it a one time trip for experience and don't expect anything.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

8th September 2007 - Melaka

I've not posted anything in a long long time. Gotten a bit malas already. So since i went to Melaka with a bunch of crazy girls, here are some of the photos for your viewing pleasure.

I only got the 1st day photos. My cam batt "dieded" the next day. Thank God for Ky Lie's. In a way we kinda took turns lar.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I was thoroughly going through Raja Petra’s website (Malaysia Today) and had a good read on a few of his blogs today.

Those that I read were rather amusing, nevertheless a good read. Most were exactly what I had in mind with regards to the so call justice and fairness that are being served in this country.

Some articles nearly brought me to tears, not because his articles was sentimental or heart warming but because I became even more disappointed with the country that I was born and grew up in. I became even more disappointed that truth has been reveal – there is no fairness and no justice (which is rather contradicting to what all these years our government had been telling us – unity).

What hurts more is that Raja Petra spilled the beans that Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno was using the name of Christianity as a mean of hurling insults at him. They have liken Christianity to be something terrible and worse than a crime. What hurts me was that nothing was done about it. What hurts me is that, we cannot say anything bad about Islam unless we want to get thrown in jail but we have to allow these freaks to lash out everything against other beliefs. Police report can be made against those who question Islam or insult Islam and they can be nabbed and jailed.

Where is the justice? Where is the fairness? Where is this so called “Malaysian Truly Asia”, “Malaysia, a peaceful and harmonious country” and “Malaysia is a warm and friendly country”? Where is it?

I’ve been on this earth 27 years and I hear all the good stuff about this country. I love this country so much that I know I want to grow old and even be buried here. But racism is every area possible sickens me so much that given the choice, I do not want my children to live in this country. There is no place for non-Malays in this country, there is no future here for the next generation.

It hurts so much when the truth is reveal so much. It hurts even more when you know that no matter what, as a Christian, we have to pray for this country. We have to pray for this nation. We have to bless our leaders (even though they are so corrupted and they are the ones who said we must irregardless of race unite but on the other hand brandishing their keris and say that they will bathe in the blood of the Chinese).

Now, this is truly a test – submit to those whom God has placed above you. Submission no matter what the cost and no matter how the pain. But remember to always make a stand if there’s anyone, trying to be funny with your God.

For the coming Merdeka Day – our 50th actually, I just wanna share with you a song by Don Harris and Marti Nystrom (1995). A song of prayer for our nation. I remember leading this song many many years ago.

Malaysia, my best wishes to you. Happy 50th Independence Day.

The eyes of the Father
Runs to and fro
He’s searching the earth
He’s looking for those
Who makes intercession
On behalf of their nation
Those who will rise and pray

We’ll stand in the gap
On behalf of our land
We’ll stand in the gap
On behalf of our land
Down on our knees
We’ll make a stand
And there intercede
For our land
We’ll pray for the needs
Of our land

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Guys, it's the school hols now. Interested in making some $$$. I need people to scrape my house walls and thereafter paint it. Haven't got the paint but can start scraping first.

I'll be paying RM50.00 per person and a scrumptious dinner for all you painters. Interested? Call KY (012-2310357) or myself (012-3591615), yar.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Thank you for being a wonderful hubby that you are. You are God-sent. Hope you enjoyed last night's cake and fellowship. Well..... you better. I suffered in silence throughout the day, trying to hide this from you and to give you a good surprise.

Haha.... Love you, baby

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Finally, after weeks and months of planning, my best friend is now married to my ex-classmate. Cheryl Shamala Ganesan weds David Ng Kok Keong on 28th July 2007. They were legally married on 7th July 2007 (07/07/07). See the significance?

On the actual day, my most stressful moment (Cheryl shares the same sentiment too) was the bridal procession. Why you have to choose song with timing, I also don’t understand (speaking to you Cheryl)… Hahaha…. But all went well.

THANK YOU JESUS! I nearly died of heart attack ok…. Broke into cold sweat some more. With the HUGE walkie talkie (as though I was head bouncer)…. Just to make my best friend’s wedding perfect. It wasn’t all that perfect but the most important thing, Cheryl and David had a wonderful and memorable time.

Wanna walk down the aisle again, dear? Let me know when you get back from your honeymoon,ok.

Once again, congratulations my dear. I’m so happy for you. And thank you for giving me this honour. Love you heaps!


A night of fun and laughter – Cheryl’s Hen’s Night. Why Hen’s Night? Good question. I don’t know where that came about. Was so use to the word Bridal Shower until my wedding last year and Cheryl introduced the word Hen’s Night to me.

Found out about the origin from the net. Here’s what they got to say:

Last Night Out for the Bride to Be

Once only a man’s domain, known as the stag party, the “hen’s night out” has become an important part of the modern wedding for women. It is a celebration of the last night, as a single person, for the bride-to-be and of the friendships she found during those years.
Who to invite
Normally the hen’s night out is for a younger crowd, keeping the shower tea for the older generations. This night is a celebration of friendship. Remembering all the good times they’ve had together - perhaps meeting at school, going through their teenage years, then growing into woman together and now, looking towards raising their families together. The bride-to-be’s sisters and female family members will also be important to her on this night as she may be leaving the family nest for the first time after her wedding night. Also, workmates play a huge role in the bride’s life, don’t forget them. The bride will want everyone there. The hen’s night out is like the end of an era!
The Matron-of-Honour or the Bridesmaid’s will organise the hen’s night out. They are to gather a list of the bride’s friend, then find a suitable venue that the bride will enjoy. Remember, it’s her night! They send out the invitations, await responses, collect money from the guests and pay any deposits needed. The bride need not worry with any of the details and just enjoy her hen’s night.
Planning a memorable night
This all depends on good organisation. Trying to find the perfect venue can be a hard job but if you always keep in sight what the bride-to-be would like, you will never go wrong. Arrange transport to and from any venues, this way everyone is kept in a group. Throw in a few fun but embarrassing games for the hen…how about her having to kiss any bald man that she sees through-out the night, on the top of his head (don’t forget the bright red lipstick and the camera).
Places to go
There is no lack of venues to choose from. Anything your bride would want to do is available to her. Maybe a theatre restaurant, a comedy night, a cruise, a male revue, a mystery night out or a ghost tour. How about a day at the races, a winery tour, a pampering cruise. For the adventurous bride there is skirmish, jet-boating, kayaking or sand-duning. The ideas are limitless, imagination is the key!

We had it at Neway Karaoke Box, 1 Utama on 26th July 2007. The theme was RED

Pictures tell everything. Have fun viewing.

Monday, July 23, 2007


An interesting read on the front page of today’s Star Newspaper.

I’ve had my personal share of experience with regards to “discovering” sanitary pad in toilet bowls and also back in 1999 – found 1 rolled up (used) slipped in between the spaces at the bathroom door.

Why is the teacher being punish for the students’ non-civic attitude? They were repeated warned beforehand and when the punishment was carried, PTAs come to their rescue. So when will these girls learned to be more responsible and more civic minded?

Were they thought at home that it’s ok to thrown their sanitary pads into their own house toilet bowl? I believe not… I bet their mothers will be screaming their lungs out if they were caught doing it. But then again, if they have maids at home, then the maids will have to use their hands to remove the sanitary pad and the dispose it on behalf on these “princesses”.

Gee… to think that in this century people to be more civic conscious. Looks like we’re going back to medieval times or maybe going back as far as the Stone Age???


Our pictures of at Sakae Sushi on 17th July 2007, with ex-Anakku colleagues except for Crystal and Claude, who’s still serving a sentence with the company… Har Har…

Billy, you lose SO MUCH of weight!!! How did you do it? You’re half your previous size!

Claude, I miss you SO MUCH!!! We must never never loose touch with each other.

Crystal, you look so hip now! I could see that you’ve grown to be more matured than when you first joined the company. Good progress.

Bee Leng, you’re still the same size! So stop saying that you’ve put on weight! I love you still the same.

Last but not least, Sue Ting, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Enough said, we know what’s it about.

Muax to all of you! Let’s do this more often.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Came across this article online and boy, it made me realise that exactly how i feel.

Stop setting alarms on my biological clock

Ever since i got married, I've just been flooded by the "When are you going to be a mummy?", "Are you pregnant? or "When ah?" questions. Sometimes i just feel i need to tape my answer, "I'm still in a honeymoon phase and so not ready yet for a baby." on a recorder and play it.

And of course when you give them this answer, they'll always have something to retaliate, "Don't wait too long. You're not getting younger".

Gee! Thanks for asking but no thanks. Thanks for your "thoughtfulness", though i may not really appreciate it.

I tend to agree with the author of this article, sometimes it is those mothers who have "Tarzan" or "Conan" or "devil" children that makes me decide to have my 1st child later. Maybe teach theirs kids some manners or two before poking into mine of whether I'm having a baby or not.

It's most definitely tiring seeing their children not behaving and having their way each time. It's tiring and frustrating to hear parents say, "Let them be" or "What to do?".

Good grief! Let the children do what they want without restraint, therefore Parents, my message to you, "You'll regret later in life. When they grow older and become rebellious, don't question them, 'Why are you so rebellious?' Cause it's your own fault, they are".

Anyway, that's they're choice how they want to bring up their own children. Not for me to impose and not for them to impose on me, how I'll bring up mine.

Just keep those dreaded questions to yourself. Thank you.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The “F’ Word

What will you think when you read the “F” word on a comment or article or even a blog? Is the “F” word really that foul kinda word or it stands for “Fun”, “Free”, “Ferocious” and etc?

Well, I immediately thought of it as the foul word (which is also a verb – word the describe an action). Many will say, “Aiyah…. Patrina so dirty, only think of these things”. Am I really dirty to have thought that people are really using this particular word?

Everywhere I go, I hear this word. In college, at work and I even read this word on articles in the newspaper (which they camouflage as “F**k”) and I read them on blogs (which was blatantly showcased) too.

Is it a cool or an in-thing to swear? Because it seems to me, it is. Where is the decorum that ladies use to display? Down the drain perhaps. Who’s to blame for people using foul languages and swearing? It’s been there for so many years now, so it’s common, I would say. Rubbish!

It’s just an excuse to look cool and trendy but what these people don’t realize, the image they are portraying. To me, the image I see – when they open their mouths, flies and excrements flow out.

What breaks me is also children as young as four can swear very well too. Where to they learn from if not from their parents or adults around them. I remember very well not long after I got married, I was having dinner with KY at Bayu Emas Restaurant and next to our table was a family. They looked like such a loving family and the children (a boy and a girl) probably age 3-4, are just so adorable.

A few minutes later, the father’s phone rang, and the next thing that happen, there was shouting and banging of the table. He must be scolding someone on the other line. In between his shouting, the words he use – Oh My Goodness!!! Swearing vulgarity at every line in Hokkien. Words not fit for a child’s hearing. I feel for the children and deep in my heart I know the children will grow up thinking that vulgarity is acceptable is their speech.

My heart broke and I said a quick prayer that God will watch over them and not be like their father in speech and action. Let’s hope they will grow up as I prayed for them to be.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

What is America thinking???

I was reading this article online about Tori Spelling (from Beverly Hills 90210) being ordained a minister and that she got her certificate online. She can marry people now (like how Ps Ronald Ooi married KY and I).

In that article, the 1st couple she marry were gays (not the feeling, gay but the homosexual, gay) and how honoured she was to marry them off.

Gee, what is the world coming to nowadays? Pastors can become gay, priest can become gay, nun can become lesbian and the list goes on. What has happen to the Word? What happen to Basic of Life and the base of our faith depends on the Word of God.

This is what happens when there’s too much of human rights and too much of freedom of speech. So much so that a child can sue or even divorce his own parents! People has forgotten about the reason for Noah’s Ark or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. It’s sad that society nowadays accept homosexuality as a way of life.

Honestly I have nothing against homosexuals – I have friends who are homosexuals and I care for them alot. I’m just questioning the lifestyle. Many say that it’s inborn - male in a female’s body and vice versa. To some, it’s a choice. I know that there is help and it’s non other than our Heavenly Father above.

Truly if inborn, there’s help. If it’s choice – MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE!!! God didn’t create Adam and Steve or Shannon and Eve. God created Adam and Eve and let’s leave it that way.

What irks me more, is that gay churches can quote scripture!!! Wah lau eh!!! What are they thinking? You know the best part – the nearest gay church to us, is located in Singapore run by a pastor couple who is are not gay (real husband and wife) but pro-gay lifestyle.

I still remember when Ps Henry mentioned that the child who the gay couple adopts will be confused as to who is the mommy or who is the daddy? How do you call them? Who plays which role? Sigh….

Friday, July 6, 2007

Prayer Meetings

For the benefit of those who missed Tuesday and Wednesday night’s prayer meeting, I’m blogging the message here below. Do thank Kwang Yew for the notes, cause it was he who diligently wrote the notes and gave me the permission to publish it. Love you, baby.

Season of Harvest (Why?) by Bishop Margaret Benson-Idahosa

Proverbs 10:5 - He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.

1. Harvest is very, very important

2. Harvest is done in the day time – I must work the work of Him who sent me
John 9:4 – As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work

3. Harvest is already here
Matthew 9:37-38 – Then He said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into His harvest field.”

4. Harvest time is NOT for sleep

5. Harvest involves everyone in the family

6. Harvest should not be postponed. The time is now!

7. Harvest requires labourers because it does not waste

8. A true labourer is not a waster

9. A true labourer has the interest of the farmer at heart

10. A true labourer must be patient with the fruits of his labour

11. Everyone must be committed to the harvest because we are called and we are ordained
John 15:16 – You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last. Then the Father will give your whatever you ask in my name

12. Look forward to the great harvest before you (Lift up your eyes)
Luke 6:38 – Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, press down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Seed + Time = HARVEST
13. Your seed is your designated path of your harvest

14. A harvester is an obedient man
Mark 16: 15-20 – He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

“Whoever that who believes, He gave them POWER.
God does not call the qualified, He qualified the call!”

Perseverance In Prayer by one of the team members

Luke 18:1 – Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should pray and not give up.

1. What is the relevance of perseverance to harvest?

The meaning of “Perseverance” is waiting in pain, in discomfort and in discouragement.

Ø Those who wait in perseverance wait with EXPECTATIONS.
There are different season of harvest and different people have their own different season of harvest. We wait until the crop ripens and as we wait we discover that we need strength. One source of strength – PRAYER.

Ø In prayer we connect with heaven and thus we are comforted and strengthen.
If we don’t pray, we will fall and we will faint before our harvest comes.

Ø We pray for more labourers to harvest the crops, we NEED more people.

Ø When we are persevering in prayer, we are watching over our crops, watching over our harvest, that it will not be destroyed and our toil goes to waste. (as in Judges 6, the people toil over their land and when harvest comes the enemies attack, plundered and destroy their harvest – with which God called Gideon into action)

2. Who is to persevere? Who is being addressed? ME!
Depending on what we sow, WE have to persevere for the seed to germinate and grow.
Ø The “who” are those who know their God - “They that know their God, they will be strong and do exploits”.

Ø Those who are burden carriers – because they want change.

Ø They are those who resolve for the power of God.

Ø Those who read/understand the books of God – READ YOUR BIBLE

Ø The wailing women – those who cries out unto Him.

3. Why is it necessary to persevere in prayer?
Ø The enemy has no power to catch us but he has the plan to insert doubt in our mind. He is a hinderer. (read the book of Daniel)

Ø We have issues (which is our doubts). God wants us to change and solve this issue. He wants us to grow, to mature and therefore He gives us time. He will not allow anyone to perish. He gives us time and room that anyone who goes to Him, He gives, and those who don’t they perish.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I was watching a second half of this movie acted by Jaycee Chan (son of Jackie Chan) and Eric Tsang about pre-marital sex and teen pregnancy yesterday and I never regretted watching it (at least I have something to blog about now).

From this

As I was watching the movie, a thought came to my mind that the statistics of teen pregnancy and pre-marital sex have been growing more and more. It saddens me even more when I watch a show and even read in the papers that being a virgin is now a taboo in our society these days.

Malaysia, an Islamic country or a country when religion plays an important role in every person’s life and that abstinence is always thought in church, in the religious classes and also in the mosque, is now not being heeded by the people living in this modernized country.

What’s happening and why? The moral decay in our society is getting deeper and are we doing anything about it?
To this

Think about it, at the age of 16, 17, how about even at the age of 24, are we ready to have children? I’m 27 and I am still not ready to have a child.

The word of God says that when a man and woman come together, they are one. God also speaks of having pre-marital sex is sin.

One must realize that every action comes with a reaction. When one practices sex out of marriage (pre-marital sex and adultery), there will always be consequences – unplanned pregnancy, which may or may not lead to abortion, AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis and many more). Even if a person escapes from these consequences, one thing that they cannot escape – upon marriage (the moment they say I do), warfare against marriage launch by the enemy will start in the spiritual realm and that’s when other consequences will come up – arguments, fights, spousal abuse, misunderstandings and many more leading to divorces.

Statistic has shown that 90% of divorce cases have a history where either or both spouses practiced pre-marital sex.

What has also happened to standing up for our virginity? Is the current trend and pressure from society too strong that we are so weak to say no to pre-marital sex?

We cannot stop interceding for our people, especially our young people when the influence of the media – movies, music and MTVs are all around us. Spread the Word of God. Pray and stand in the gap on behalf of our land.

What best time than to do it this week since Bishop Margaret Idahosa and team are here. The meeting is on everyday starting today. Cancel the curse that the devil has put on our lives. Break the enemy’s stronghold on our families and friends. Claim back ALL that the devil has stolen from us and announce outpouring of blessings from God upon our future generation and ourselves.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


It's been a week since i got back from Hong Kong. Had a wonderful trip there. Didn't have a computer at home, so had to slowly slowly at my on free time to upload photos and drafting my account of the trip. Read on and enjoy. Hope it'll entice you to make a trip there too.

Day 1: 15th June 2007, Friday

Woke up really early in the morning cause the van that was picking us up were to arrive at 7am! Said goodbye to Kwang Yew and off we were to the airport. Thought I’d catch up on my sleep on the way there but wasn’t able to sleep. I wasn’t excited, was rather dreading it because the itinerary was lousy (so I thought).

Checked in, ate breakfast at McDonald and off into the plane. 3 ½ hours journey, watched CSI: New York and Living with Fran (as in Fran Dresher in The Nanny).

Arrived at Hong Kong International Airport at 12.20pm, go through the Immigration Counter (queue was really really long – filled with Koreans and Japanese), get our bags scanned and looked out for the tourist guide. We found Benny finally. A medium size, tanned skinned, bespectacled guy at the age of 48 (and he doesn’t look at all 48, more like 35).

First stop – Benny dropped us off at our hotel, Dorsett Far East Hotel at Tsuen Wan. While we’re on the way, he spoke about Hong Kong and the lifestyle of the Hongkies. He stated the difference between Malaysian Chinese and Hong Kong Chinese. All these he spoke in Cantonese (of which my dad and aunt could not catch). Benny on the other hand isn’t very good in English, which is rather hilarious when he tried his hands at a little English. So dad and him was like chicken and duck talking to each other.

Since the 1st day was Free and Easy, he suggested taking us on a night tour but it will cost an additional HKD390. Places covered, Lui Yan Kai (Ladies Market), Roast Goose Dinner, Victoria Peak, Madame Tussaud and Arena of Stars (Victoria Harbour).

Did some G2000 shopping (they have Father’s Day Sale. Woohoo!) and tried “Chow Tau Foo” (Smelly Bean Curd). The Chow Tau Foo did not at all taste like how it smells. It’s quite good except for the funny after taste in the mouth.

Proceed for the famous “Siew Ngor” (Roast Goose) dinner. Was the restaurant called Foo Lim Fisherman’s Wharf Restaurant or Pleasant Palace Seafood Restaurant? I don’t know. But what a spread of food! Boy oh boy…. HK and China is all about pork, duck, duck and more pork. Really really fatty ones too.

After dinner – took the Peak tram, 10 minutes up to Victoria Peak. 1st view – Madame Tussaud. More photos taken here. Then, it was viewing the whole of HK, including Kowloon (mainland).

Our next and final stop for the night – Arena of Stars, where most HK stars have their hand prints on the side walk (similar to Walk of Fame thingy). Benny said this place is also called Lai Mau Kai (Courtesy Street) because many people as they walk, will bow their heads (to have a look at the hand prints)

Day 2: 16th June 2007, Saturday

Had dim sum for breakfast (a must try when you’re in HK). Delicious delicious char siew pau. Slurp!

First stop – Golden Bauhinia Square located right in front of my favourite building (HK Exhibition and Convention Centre aka The Turtle Building where they film Police Story 4). Snap! Snap! Snap!

Second stop - JC Jewellery Factory, Jackie Chan’s, man. Nothing for me to buy here. Just watch the men working on a diamond ring. Mum of course will have something to buy here lar. She bought an Opal (her birthstone) pendant.

Then it was Repulse Bay, where most of the rich and famous live, including Jackie Chan and Chow Sing Chi. Most orang putih expats live here too, cause they love the sea. There’s a temple here with many deities (Kuan Yin and Buddha). Benny said something about touching the statue of the deities to get your wishes. I played along touching a deity with little children around him. If you want a daughter, touch the girl. If you want a son, touch the boy. If you want twins, touch 2 children lor. Guess what did I touch?

Aberdeen Fishing Village is next – nothing much to see (I find it a little boring).

Went back to Victoria Peak but mid level only. Just to view HK by day and snap more photos.

Next-up, Herbs Shop. The older people (I’m not in the list of older people) bought scallops, Oyster flesh (from Japan. The Japanese takes the pearl and sells the meat to the Chinese). I found the most expensive ginseng here – HK$2.3 million! Crazy! And the ginseng looked like a twig, that’s all!

Finally, our tour of HK ends. We have to take the train from Hung Hum Station to Shenzhen. This was where the nightmare began.

The older group (Mum, Dad, Mum-in-law and Second Aunt, my Jee Chim) got separated from us younger ones (May Lai, Adrian, Choon Hui and I). They took the first train (cause the door closed on us before we could get in) and we younger ones hopped onto the next train (only 15 minutes apart).

The moment we arrived at the last stop, we immediately went straight to immigration and headed straight to Shenzhen immigration. The next thing we know, we lost our older group. Waited for 2 long hours and Choon Hui opted to go back to HK to look for them. Finally found them and got a long lecture. Rupa-rupanya, they were waiting for us at the last station in HK! We made up, said our sorries and off to a new adventure.

1st day in Shenzhen is F&E but tour guide (George) offered to show us the “pasar malam” of Shenzhen after dinner (Chinese food in China is oil and salt – cholesterol and blood pressure shoot up, man!). The pasar malam is so not pasar at all, ok. No stalls, all shops. So ‘til today, I don’t know what George means by Shenzhenpasar malam”.

Day 3: 17th June 2007, Sunday

We had hotel buffet breakfast before our Shenzhen tour. We had to pay RMB10 for a cup of coffee ok! But we chose not to drink coffee (some sacrifice to make when in China, for all you coffee lovers).

Thereafter, we went to the Shenzhen Xingyu Mineral Museum, just to look at some stones such as jade. They sell stuffs here. So much for just a simple museum.

Well, today is Father’s Day and dad was so into this moonstone (Adrian and I have read a lot about moon stone but we have never seen one before cause it’s not available in Malaysia. We finally saw a real moonstone in China. The beauty of it – it’s the only luminous stone, which glows in the dark). Also found out from the salesgirl that this stone also have some magnetic thingy. Cool! So we got it for Dad as a gift (now it’s sitting in the display at home).

I bought a few jade hanging thingy for RM14.00 per piece. Mum bought another pendant, quite cute because this pendant can move in the inside. Comes with an 18K gold necklace too. Since it is also lychee season, this place also sells tea and their specialty – Lychee Tea. We bought also lar and got a free gift – a pissing man.

Next up, Window of the World. This place has all the major landmark of each major countries / continent in the world but all in miniature size. And we saw how lychee trees looked like.

After lunch, we went to this Herbal Store and got ourselves diagnose by a prominent Chinese Traditional physician called Professor Wu. She was from Indonesia and has been practising Chinese Medicine for 40 years. She’s 70 years old but she looks 10 year younger. And you know what? She is accurate in her diagnostic. She accurately diagnosed dad and Adrian and even myself! But let’s leave that behind because Dad spends the most here, RM2000 on herbs. We also spend the longest time here.

Now, the place we were to go next is my favourite – China Cultural and Folk Village or what the locals here call, Mini China. We watch 2 wonderful, most beautiful world-class cultural show and we had a great time touring the mini buildings of China from different provinces – check the photos here too. Finally, we had 1 meal for dinner (at the Cultural Village) that is good, still oily and salty but good.

After dinner, back to hotel and off to 1 hour of “sai keok” or feet wash and massage, which was a relief to the leg after all the walking for the 3 days. The spa has shuttle service. No joke.

Day 4: 18th June 2007, Monday

After breakfast (the hotel’s), we immediately checked out and head straight to the train station. It was a long long walk. On the way, I saw a shop that sells luggage bags and I was immediately attracted to the bags and of course the price. After much bargaining and pondering (to buy or not to buy), I decided to go ahead and buy. Dad paid.

After the purchase, we continued our long walk to the train station. It is a rule cum policy that public vehicles are not allowed to park at the station even for drop-off. So, walk lar. Good exercise but did not sweat.

This time, we made sure that we wait for everybody to get on to the same train but Alas! We got separated again, this time over in HK. May Lai and mum-in-law was separated because the door of Line 4, which the train heads towards Hung Hum station close on the rest of us. We had to take Line 1 train, which also heads to Hung Hum but upon arrival, May Lai took the wrong exit. It was suppose to be Exit C but they couldn’t find it. It was so stressful but God is good, we found each other.

The new tourist guide (can’t remember her name) seem to look a little pissed. Who cares?! Well in the bus on the way to Disneyland, she just briefed us a little about Disney and gave us our Entrance tickets. Told us to check-in but we can’t get our rooms until after 3pm.

That’s exactly what we did. We checked into Hollywood Hotel at 12.30pm, got our 2 day passes and left our luggage with the concierge and took the shuttle bus to Disneyland. Did a little bit of walking and went to see Lion King show. We were rather disappointed because we were comparing the show to the previous cultural show in Shenzhen. The Lion King show is meant for kids and not us, old farts.

Then, we did a little bit more walking about, saw Cinderella and wanted to take a photo with her but the line was close already. How sad…. So we waited for the Disney Parade, which was the next program. Now, this was GOOD. The parade was really colourful and entertaining. But I pity the people who are in their costumes. Must be sweating like a running tap water. The weather was HOT! The sun was burning, our skins were burning.

After the parade, we realised it was just too hot to walk around, that we decided to go back to the hotel and rest a little. We wanted to catch the fireworks and we must at least take a photo with the mouse himself, Mickey.

As we walked towards the elevator to our rooms, we were just enthralled. Finally, the trip was worth it. We stayed in a 5 Star hotel and everywhere you turn your eyes to, you see Mickey or at least his ears lar.

Choon Hui and I were like school girls squealing when we saw our bedroom. It was lovely. Everything was just Mickey Mouse. We took pictures of the room and even the bath. How I wish I could take the shower curtain too but I couldn’t. The bathroom angle would not permit me to. I even had the mind to want to buy the shower curtain from the hotel but couldn’t find any price list (like most hotels have).
After shower and rest, we went back to the park. Adrian and Choon Hui decided to sleep a little bit more. The rest of went ahead without them. May Lai and I saw Mickey and Minnie photos session, we straight away went in line while Mum, Dad, Mum-in-law and Chim went to get dinner.

We waited really long just to snap photos with them. The wait was worth it. Then, we did our shopping at the Disney Souvenir Shop. After that, it was time for the fireworks, started hunting the rest of the group and managed to find them in the midst of the crowd. We still had a little time left to get our take-away dinner. We were dead hungry.

My oh my! The fireworks were beautiful! It goes along with all the Disney music. Like musical fountain, this was musical fireworks. Lovely. Lovely.

After that, May Lai and I decided to go shopping. I took them to Causeway Bay. We need to catch the MTR – Disney MTR. The train was cute.

Nothing in the stores cause there was NO SALE! How disappointing! Well, at least to mend our wound, Bossini has something. There is a GOD! Haha!

Then, we realised it’s getting late and the last train back is at 12pm. Don’t want to pay so much to get a cab back to Disney. Heard from Adrian earlier that taking a cab from HK Island (Wan Chai, Causeway bay, those areas) to Disney will cost HK$150! That’s really expensive.

I didn’t eat the burger that I bought. Earlier, all I was munching was the fries. After arrival at the last stop to hop back onto the Disney train, I gobbled my burger. What a relief as my stomach was already on strike.

Day 5: 19th June 2007, Monday

I really had a very good sleep and I woke up at 9.00am. I actually thought I wanted to go back to Disney Park to do further shopping but mum said no cause there just isn’t enough time.

I had to do my balance shopping at the shop downstairs. They equally good merchandises but of course, at Disney Park, there’ll be more choices.

We left for the airport at 12pm and hang about at Popeye’s (kinda cool fried chicken/KFC type of outlet). My last mission before leaving Hong Kong was Wing Wah Bakery to buy “lou poh peng” for Ky Lie and of course for my darling hubby.

I didn’t realise I spend such a long time in the shop that when I looked at my watch, to my horror I had to run to plane!

Arrive KLIA at 6.20pm and went straight home. That’s the journey of my HK/Shenzhen/Disneyland trip. All in all, when I felt that my trip was going to be lousy and that I didn’t look forward to it all, I was totally wrong by the end of it. Every penny spend was worth it, especially Shenzhen.

For those who have not been the any Disneyland, HK is a good start. Small, a little disappointing but it was ok. Those who have gone to the bigger ones like Japan or Florida, don’t bother stepping into Hong Kong. You’ll get a BIG disappointment.

By the way, Mega Sale in HK is on the month of July and August. Everything is dirt cheap. Air Asia now flies to Shenzhen. Therefore HK is so accessible now. Grab this opportunity to shop, shop and shop during this period.

*All photos are courtesy of my ever reliable Olympus and Choon Hui’s Canon cameras.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Blessed Daddy’s Day

My popsy. What can I say about him on this very day? I’ve gotta be fair. Posted an article for mum, now for dad too.

I always grew up thinking that he favours Adrian more than I. All that perceptions have change now. Adrian, hate to break this to you… But dad loves me more. Haha!

The things that’s been happening, the secrets we share and the naughty plots we come up with (hiding things from mum), having dad to send my car for servicing or that he can suddenly read my mind when I’m short of cash and gives me some, even though I’m working (but that comes with a price – hearing him nagging me about saving money for rainy days and don’t spend money like water, for like an hour or so).

I still love you so much, daddy. No matter what, you’re the best father a daughter could ever have (hmm…. I think I used this phrase for the article to mum).

Well, we’ll be spending Daddy's’ Day in Shenzen. Truthfully, I’m clueless on what to do on this day, cause we’ll be moving about. But I’ll figure something out with Adrian.

Love you Dad. Blessed Fathers’ Day. Hugz Hugz

P/s: At the moment I don’t have any of just daddy’s photo. I’ll go dig an old macho photo of his and thereafter I’ll upload it here (after HK).

Monday, June 11, 2007

All is worth it

It's been 11 days and this is my first post for June. I was getting a little afraid of loosing that momentum i first spoke of.

Not bad, stealing a little time from work (actually it's 6.15pm now - time to go home) just to drop something off here.

It's been a crazy 1 week plus for me, at work and at home. But by the end of the week (yesterday), my activity after church made it all worth it.

You see, it's been a long time (especially since being someones missus) since I've actually got to spend time with mum, just the two of us. I really miss those days when it was just mum and I or the family (mum, dad, Adrian and I) go out shopping or window shopping.

And if the family goes out, mum and I will always be with each other - i wait on her and vice versa, trying on clothes or shoes and looking at something and pondering whether to buy it or not. You know, these sort of stuff which mother daughter does.

So, back to yesterday. I was suppose to go to Carrefour, Subang last two Sundays but because KY's nephews came, i wasn't able to go. So i had my chance yesterday. Told mum that I'm going to the new Anakku boutique in Carrefour, Subang to visit me ol' friend who's running the place there and invited mum to tag along.

After my brief hello and goodbye, (oh and before that... it was raining cats and dogs or maybe cows and goats. It was HEAVY) we were doing a little grocery shopping in the hypermart. When the rain subsided, we walked over to Parade (save RM2 parking at Carrefour).

Walked and walked and shop a little (i really mean, little ok) and talked and laughed. Had coffee and mum was sharing about Australia. We were like best friends. And before we know it, it was 8pm!

It felt great spending the little time i missed so much with mum. I actually didn't want the day to end. 10.45pm and back to reality, go back to Prima Bayu, at the arms of KY. Darn! I truly missed being single (when it comes to these sort of matter, family matter).

Yesterday made me realised that, I began appreciating the time I get to spend with my family, even 5 minutes and making the most out of it.

Things change after marriage - my eyes are more opened now. I was an idealist but now I'm a realist. Practicality is an important asset in life, that no matter what, family comes first in everything.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Steamboat Birthday Makan for Jac and I

Going out makan with the girls are quite fun – we can be ourselves without being conscious. We just go nuts.

Seeing Seaw Chin digging into the chicken wings non-stop.

Cheryl’s constant request to throw the vege into the pot.

Jac who kept asking, “Shall we take noodles?” from the buffet spread - took the yee mee, bihun, dried wantan noodle sheet and some green looking noodle sheet only to end up throwing the green noodle into the pot and savouring it. The rest of the noodles, we just return them back to where they originally came from.

Joanne was the pot lid keeper, throw the ingredients into the pot, close the lid, when the ingredients are cooked, open the lid, place the lid aside and eat. And the same activities repeat for a few cycles.

Me. What did I do? Just makanlah! Hehehe….

But I’ve got a deduction to make…
1. Going out having steamboat with girls – Vege and fish product aka fish ball, fish tauhu and fish noodle would be the main ingredients

2. Going out having steamboat with the Ranger guys – What they hantam would be all the meat and prawns and squids and crabs and other shellfish….

So tell me… to pay RM18.90 per person, which is more worth it?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My Birthday Cuppy Cake!!!!

How sweet of Ky Lie to make time specially to bake me these lovely cakes. Thank you dear. It was really sweet of you and the cakes are really sweet too… but deliciously delicious… Mmmmm…..

I immediately dug into the strawberry-topping piece. Mum took the one with the strawberry and kiwi piece.
Later at night I had my second helping of the cupcake with the kiwi topping.
I don’t know how I’m going to handle the balance 3.
Kwang Yew, you better help.

They’re too pretty to be eaten (I told you Ky Lie, didn’t I).

I just don’t have the heart to eat them. I can just stare and admire and stare and admire and I can just go on and on, about staring and admiring the cakes.

Gee…. Not forgetting the pounds I’ll put on, on top of the current pound that I’ve already put on. And the heavenly sweetness…. I’m afraid the ants will come after me too… Haha….

Love you heaps, Ky Lie. I really have a wonderful birthday this year. Angie…. My hats off to you too for the silver ball (on the sides of the M&Ms cupcake) idea… Muax! Muax!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

10¢ Increase

A week ago, it was announced that the price of roti canai and chapati will be increased to 10 cents more, after the announcement of pay raise for civil servants. Reason for the increase would be the increase of price for oil, gas, flour and margarine.

Two days later, the decision to increase the price was pulled back. However, many doubted if the original size which people are so use to seeing (and eating for that matter) will remain the same. Unfortunately, size is what Domestic Trade and Consumers Affairs officers can’t monitor.

In today’s news – 10 cents increase for teh tarik or any other beverages that contain condense milk. This is effective in the Northern Region. But I do remember hearing about the price increase of milk and unfortunately condense milk is affected too.

Everything has price increased. Just this 1 month alone, I hear of so many price increased. I went back to my designer/dress maker to make a dress for formal functions (a lot of weddings to attend this year, therefore a lot of “saman” to pay). Her price went up from the base price of the usual RM400 to RM500. She told me that wedding gowns are affected the most – the base price from RM1000 to RM1300!!!

Then I had a friend who asked me who was my make-up artist for my wedding and I gave her the contact. She called her and asked her how much, and the make-up artist quoted her RM1000 from the RM800 I paid her last year!!! And she was like, “I should have gotten married last year!”.

Getting married is not cheap anymore and there are so many weddings this year – apparently the Year of the Pig is very prosperous for business as well as getting married or even conception (babies lar).

I wonder if the market price to pay wedding “saman” has increase too…. Can we still maintain the old rate, ah?